How to Choose the right Pillow: 3 tips recommended by experts

Sleep posture experts believes that choosing the right pillow is essential to enjoying a restful, rejuvenating sleep. As experts explains, with a bad pillow, your body can twist into all kinds of uncomfortable shapes at night. “The second you fall asleep, it’s like – imagine being a dead weight. So your head drops, it moves because it has no form, and [you move too],” experts says.

The right pillow should fill the space between your ear and your shoulder blade (or scapula, if you want to get technical) when lying in a semi-fetal position. When lying on your back, a good pillow keeps your head in a neutral position, aligned with the shoulders and spine. If you sleep on your front, unfortunately, there’s no pillow that can turn this into a good sleeping position. But a supportive pillow can help you switch to a better side-sleeping posture. Here are three expert-backed tips for choosing the right pillow:

3 tips to find right pillow

Choose Your Height

It’s important to ensure your pillow is right for your height and build. As experts points out, “if it’s too big, you’ll feel like sleeping on a step, and you will hate it.” But too small isn’t any better. “Too low, and your head will drop, and you’ll feel that pressure build up on the shoulder pretty quickly.”

Consider the Firmness Level

Check Your Sleep Posture

When testing your pillow, make sure to adopt the best position to sleep in. “Be mindful that if you’ve brought your shoulder forward, the pillow will feel way too small,” experts says. And keep in mind that the right pillow might not feel perfect right away. “The right size will feel really weird and alien,” experts explains. “You won’t hate it. You won’t love it. If that’s the feel, just bear with it for a couple of nights.

The takeaway

The right pillow is key to better sleep. Consider your height, firmness, and posture to avoid discomfort and improve sleep quality. A good pillow aligns your head and spine, supporting your body. Adjusting may take time, but using expert tips can help you find the perfect fit for restful nights.

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